Thursday, July 30, 2020

2019 May (Income Tax) Paper 3 HL

2019 May (Income Tax) Paper 3 HL

(e) (i) Define the term Marginal rate of tax.

The proportion of any additional  income which must be paid as tax.


Fred is a low-wage worker in Fairland. As a result of the minimum wage his income will increase from $15,000 per year to $19,000 per year.


(ii) Calculate how much additional income tax Fred will need to pay.

Fred initially pays – 5% of the 1st $10,000 of income that he makes = $500

Fred also pays  - 10% of the $5,000 of income that he makes = $500

Therefore Fred pays $1,000 of tax on his old income


Then he gets a raise to $19,000


Fred will pay 5% on the 1st $10,000 of income that he makes = $500

Fred also pays 10% of the next $8,000 of income = $800

Fred also pays 20% on the next $1,000 that he earns = $200


Fred pays $1,500 on the new income that he earns.


Originally Fred paid $1,000 of tax now with the raise Fred pays $1,500 so the change in tax would be $500.


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